第18届ASID(Anti -counterfeiting, Security, and Identification防伪、安全和识别)国际会议将于2024年11月1-3日在厦门举行,会议由IEEE北京分会、厦门大学、集美大学等共同举办,本次会议论文集由IEEE出版,会议论文集将被EI (Engineering Compendex)、IEL(IEEE Electronic Library)等国际数据库收录。以前17届的会议论文均被EI、IEL等收录和检索。欢迎本院教师和学生投稿,投稿地址详见会议网站https://asid.xmu.edu.cn/wome/list.htm。
n Machine Learning and Recognition Computing
n AI in Manufacturing
n Cryptographic Algorithm and Information Security
n IC Design and System Integration
n Network Analysis and Big Data
n Intelligent Information Processing
n Micro/Nano-sensor and BioMEMS
n EMC Theory and RFID Techniques
n Multi-core Processor and Reconfigurable Computing
n Brain-like Computing and Brain-like Intelligent
n Wearable Electronics and Health & Leisure
n Biomedical Signal and Image Computing
n Biological Electronics
n Training and Application in Large Model